What does it mean to have borderline cholesterol?

What does it mean to have borderline cholesterol?

Prevent the devastating consequences of cholesterol by treating borderline cholesterol


Total cholesterol and borderline cholesterol

Total cholesterol refers to the total amount of different kinds of cholesterol in the blood. Cholesterol is made in the liver and is very important to the human body. Studies have shown that approximately 20% of the cholesterol in the human body is derived from the food we eat, while the remaining 80% is produced within the body.

Borderline cholesterol means that your total cholesterol is higher than 200 mg/dL but below 240 mg/dL. If you have a reading of 240 mg/dL you will have high cholesterol. Cholesterol is lipids – they are fatty, waxy substances that are transported throughout the body via the bloodstream.

The treatment of cholesterol levels is generally based on a person’s LDL (low-density lipoproteins) or bad cholest

If your body cannot or struggles to process lipoproteins, the lipoproteins may stick to the walls of your arteries which may then harden into plaque. The obstruction caused by this build-up may lead to heart disease and other cardiovascular complications.


What are LDL and HDL cholesterol and triglycerides?

  • LDL cholesterol: As previously mentioned this is sometimes referred to as bad cholesterol, as it raises your risk of cardiovascular disease. Excess LDL builds up on the artery walls and triggers the release of inflammatory substances that increase the risk of a heart attack. This process is referred to as atherosclerosis.
  • HDL cholesterol: HDL is sometimes referred to as good cholesterol because these proteins take cholesterol away from the arteries by removing them out of the bloodstream to the liver, for excretion from the body.
  • Triglycerides: Triglycerides are waxy lipids that can be found in the bloodstream. The body uses triglycerides as energy. Eating foods high in cholesterol, saturated fat, and trans-fats, as well as drinking alcohol can elevate your triglyceride levels. This may once again lead to atherosclerosis.


Optimal cholesterol levels

  • Total cholesterol:Approximately 150mg/dL
  • LDL cholesterol:Approximately 100mg/dL
  • HDL cholesterol:Males: At least 40 mg/dl

                                      Female: At least 50 mg/dL

  • Triglycerides: Less than 150mg/dL


Symptoms of borderline cholesterol

Neither borderline nor high cholesterol levels usually show any symptoms. It is often referred to as a silent condition, and generally only shows up in emergency events. The only full-proof plan to know whether you may have borderline cholesterol is to have a blood test done.

In adults, it is recommended that blood tests are conducted at least every five years, unless the adult is between 45-65 (males) and 55-65 (females) where tests should be done at least every two years, and annually if the person is 65 or older.


How to reduce LDL and total cholesterol levels:

Let’s look at ways to reduce our cholesterol levels before we venture into the dangerous territory of high cholesterol.


The following points will further aid in the reduction of cholesterol levels:

  • Eat more fiber:
    Foods high in soluble fiber, such as oats, and citrus fruit, bind to cholesterol, and aid the body in transporting it to the liver where it will be removed from the body as waste.

  • Omega-3 fatty acids:
    Omega-3 fatty acids may aid in reducing triglyceride levels and increase HDL cholesterol levels in the bloodstream.

  • Reduce your red meat intake:
    Red meat is generally high in saturated fat and cholesterol. If you eat red meat, try opting for leaner cuts of meat, which contain less fat.

  • Peel the skin from your poultry:
    Removing the skin from the poultry or fish you eat can aid in decreasing the amount of fat you are consuming. Baking, grilling, or roasting your meat can also aid in reducing your intake of saturated fats.

  • Stay active:
    For adults, it is typically recommended that you exercise for 45 minutes daily. This may include taking a brisk walk, swimming, or cycling.

  • Limit or avoid alcohol:
    Excess alcohol intake can increase both your total triglyceride and cholesterol levels. Excess consumption can be defined as more than one drink a day for women, and more than two drinks a day for men.

  • Limit or avoid nicotine or tobacco products:
    Smoking cigarettes or vaping nicotine can damage your blood vessels, harden your arteries, and increase your overall risk of heart disease. Quitting smoking can give your immune system a boost and improve your LDL and HDL cholesterol levels.



Having high cholesterol has serious health complications. Ask your doctor to check your total cholesterol level so that you know if you need to take some measures to lower your cholesterol. Keep your cholesterol in check by eating healthy, exercising, and limiting the use of alcohol and tobacco products. 


Manna Cholesterol Support

The Manna Cholesterol Support caplets were formulated to decrease and dissolve accumulated cholesterol (plaque) on the inside walls of the arteries. The product can also help to lower the bad cholesterol (LDL) and increase the good cholesterol (HDL).

The healthiest way to improve health, lose weight, lower cholesterol and increase energy levels is with the Manna Diet. Download your FREE e-book and make sure to follow the 7-day damage control section of the book, because that is the most important period of this weight loss program.

Manna Blood Sugar Support tablets is not just for sugar control, but helps to control cravings and most important of all, it helps the body to require less insulin.


Get the Manna Cholesterol Support NOW from:

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