Manage ADHD – Control Blood Sugar Levels

Manage ADHD – Control Blood Sugar Levels

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Children with ADHD can better their attention span and memory by managing their blood sugar levels

ADHD symptoms cause havoc in children’s lives. The diagnosis of this disease is on the rise, and it is difficult to treat. ADHD children struggle with learning disorders, depression, anxiety, addictive behaviour, and obesity in their adulthood. People with ADHD may have trouble focusing or paying attention to a task at hand. They can also act impulsively and can be hyperactive.

Although it is unclear what exactly the cause of ADHD is, researchers believe that genetics, environmental and biological factors contribute to the incidence of ADHD.

However, research has also been done about the connection between nutrition and ADHD. Changing your child’s diet is within your control. What you eat is known to influence your brain and behaviour. Foods that causes your blood sugar levels to spike causes a lot of the same symptoms as ADHD.


Diet and blood sugar levels

We all experience instabilities in our blood sugar (glucose) levels. Eating sugar or any food high on the Glycemic Index (GI) will cause a spike in your blood sugar levels. Foods with a high GI include bread, rice, breakfast cereals, pasta, baked goods, starchy vegetables, and sugar-sweetened drinks. Within 45 minutes, of eating food with lots of sugar, your blood sugar levels will be at their highest and then they slowly decrease. Within two hours they will be back to normal.

If your body can not lower blood sugar levels, you will be diagnosed with diabetes. People with diabetes have blood sugar levels that are constantly high. This happens because their bodies don’t produce enough insulin (a hormone produced by your pancreas) or can’t effectively use the insulin it makes. It is insulin’s job to move glucose out of your bloodstream and into your cells. When glucose is not delivered to your cells, it builds up in your bloodstream. This puts an immense strain on organs and cells and leads to copious health complications.

If your child shows ADHD symptoms it might also be worthwhile to check their blood sugar levels and stop the onset of diabetes. Read on to see what researchers say about the connection between high blood sugar levels and ADHD.


The link between high blood sugar and ADHD – what does the research say?

A 2007 study published in Physiology & Behavior gave children, aged 6 to 7, breakfasts with different glycaemic loads. The researchers measured the children’s ability to memorise and their ability to pay attention. They also looked at their likelihood to become frustrated when doing a difficult task and how well they spent time on an individual task. Although there are many factors to consider, the researchers did conclude that eating a low GI breakfast enhanced children’s performance. Two to three hours after a low glycaemic load breakfast had been consumed, performance on the tests of memory and the ability to sustain attention were better, fewer signs of frustration were displayed and initially more time was spent on task when working individually in class.

The researchers mentioned that glucose can also be beneficial later in the day. Children were given a glucose drink in the afternoon which enhanced their performance but eating lots of glucose in the morning was detrimental.

Another study, published in Clinical Nutrition ESPEN in 2020 found that eating lots of vegetables, fruits, legumes, and fish decreases the odds of ADHD up to 37%. Following a western diet with lots of meat, refined grains, processed meats, and hydrogenated fat as well as eating dessert and junk food increases your chances of ADHD.

These two studies show a clear link between ADHD symptoms and blood sugar levels. It is known that today’s western diet causes high blood sugar levels. Eating lots of whole foods like vegetables and fruit as well as nuts and legumes can keep your blood sugar levels stable. And, according to the abovementioned research decreases your chances of getting ADHD.

Giving children a low GI breakfast, that’ll keep their blood sugar levels stable, will help keep ADHD symptoms like difficulty with memory and concentration at bay.



ADHD causes problems with focusing or paying attention to a task at hand. These symptoms can also be because of high blood sugar levels. One of The Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)’s recommendations for managing ADHD is to eat a balanced diet. Eating lots of whole foods, that rank low on the Glycemic Index (GI) would help children with memory and concentration.

There are lots of other healthful habits you can implement that are prescribed for people suffering from chronically high blood sugar levels (diabetes) as well as for those suffering from ADHD. These habits include exercising, getting lots of sleep and moving more during the day. It is advised not to sit still for too long – this means not sitting in front of a TV or computer screen for a long time. You should rather do something more active.

The good news is that high blood sugar levels can be managed through medication and healthful habits. If your child does show symptoms of ADHD, you might be able to better his or her quality of life simply by managing high blood sugar levels.


Manna Blood Sugar Support

  1. Balancing blood sugar levels: The Manna Blood Sugar Support supplement is designed to help balance blood sugar levels, which is important for people with ADHD because imbalanced blood sugar levels can cause symptoms such as irritability, fatigue, and difficulty focusing.

  2. Reducing inflammation: The supplement contains ingredients that have anti-inflammatory properties which may help to reduce inflammation in the body and brain, which can be a contributing factor to ADHD symptoms.

  3. Supporting healthy weight management: The supplement may also help to support healthy weight management, which is important for people with ADHD because being overweight or obese can exacerbate symptoms.

  4. Supporting healthy digestion: Manna Blood Sugar Support may also help to support healthy digestion, which is important for people with ADHD because poor digestion can lead to nutrient deficiencies that can contribute to symptoms.

It’s important to note that this product is not a treatment for ADHD, and its effectiveness may vary from person to person. It’s recommended to consult with a healthcare professional before taking any dietary supplements, especially if you are taking any medications.

Get the Manna Blood Sugar Support at any of these outlets

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