The First Symptoms Of Insulin Resistance

Die Simptome Van Insulienweerstandigheid

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Insulin resistance is becoming a familiar term.


Many people are talking about it, but do they know what it is all about?

A scary fact is that many of these people who are talking about it might have developed it already without even knowing it…

And once insulin resistance is present, it brings along many other serious health issues that can have devastating effects.

But let’s first see what exactly insulin resistance is…


What is insulin resistance?

Insulin resistance is when the body’s cells do not respond properly to the insulin, thus not taking up the sugar from the bloodstream as it should. This renders the insulin that is released less effective, or even completely useless. In order to make up for the insulin resistance, the pancreas releases more insulin. However, it eventually reaches a point where it does not matter how much insulin is released. It is ineffective and unable to control blood sugar levels. This then results in constantly high blood sugar levels, which lead to type-2 diabetes and other serious health issues. 


What are the symptoms of insulin resistance?

  • Excess weight around the waist

As the waist size increases, insulin becomes increasingly ineffective in the body. This means more insulin is released, which causes more fat to be stored. It’s a vicious cycle!

Read about belly fat and insulin resistance…

  • Cravings

Especially for sugar or carbohydrate-rich foods. People with high blood-insulin levels often get severe cravings, and 99% of the time these cravings are for a sugary snack or a carb-loaded meal.

  • High blood sugar levels

Alongside high insulin levels, people with insulin resistance also experience high blood sugar levels. This is diagnosed when the blood sugar levels are 97mg/dL (5.4mmol/L) or higher.

  • Acne and large pores on the face

The increase in insulin levels promotes higher levels of testosterone in the body. Some of the negative side effects include greasy skin, acne, and bigger pores.

  • Polycystic ovarian syndrome

Also known as PCOS, is a condition that affects women where the ovaries do not function as they should. It can often be identified by symptoms including irregular periods and excess androgen in the body.

  • Scalp hair loss in women

It usually comes in the form of male-pattern baldness, and the hair starts to thin or fall out on the front and sides of the head.

  • Skin tags

These are growths that look like tiny bits of “hanging” skin. They form on the skin, often on the neck, upper chest, underarms, and eyelid.

  • Acanthosis nigricans 

This is a skin pigmentation disorder where dark, velvety patches form. They are usually found in the armpits, groin, and neck.

  • High blood pressure

One of the health issues commonly found alongside insulin resistance is high blood pressure. Blood pressure is considered high when the systolic is130 and over, or diastolic is 80 and over.

  • Swollen ankles.

Insulin makes the kidneys retain sodium and water. This makes you look more “puffy”. Apart from the ankles, water is also often retained in the fingers, face, and abdomen.

Learn more about insulin resistance and edema…


What causes insulin resistance?

  • Eating high-carb and high-sugar foods

Eating too much food that contains refined carbohydrates and sugar makes the body release a lot of insulin to bring balance to the blood sugar levels. This, in turn, results in more insulin being released than the body can use. This causes more fat to be stored. This continues cycle then results in the body becoming unresponsive to insulin, or as the name states, insulin resistant.

  • Carrying around extra weight

This is actually also a result of the above-mentioned process. The excess insulin in the body causes fat to be stored in the body’s cells instead of being used as energy. But this also works in a vicious cycle, where it makes the cells even less responsive to insulin and worsens insulin resistance even further.

Insulin resistance and weight gain: What to do?…

  • A lack of exercise

Exercise helps to process sugar from the food we eat and creating the need to burn it instead of storing it as fat. Thus, a lack of exercise can make it more difficult to burn or process the sugar and carbs from the food we eat, which means the body has to release even more insulin to keep up.

  • Smoking tobacco products

It is actually due to the nicotine in the cigarettes, cigars, pipe, or e-cigarette that affects the insulin levels. Nicotine can cause blood sugar levels to go up, as well as go down. This is not good news for the insulin levels, as they are directly linked to the blood sugar levels. So when the blood sugar levels fluctuate, it makes it even harder for the body to release the right amount of insulin and it can have a direct impact on insulin resistance.

  • Stress

When we are stressed, the body releases a hormone called cortisol. This is why cortisol is referred to as the stress hormone. Cortisol makes the body more resistant to insulin, and therefore worsens insulin resistance.

  • Not getting enough sleep

Too little sleep at night can have a negative effect on the blood sugar levels, and thus the insulin levels. This is because the body releases more of the above-mentioned cortisol when we do not get enough sleep.

  • Genetics

Insulin resistance, or at least an increased risk thereof, can be passed down from one generation to the next. So people with a family history of insulin resistance should be especially careful.

  • Certain medications

Certain types of medication may also increase the risk of developing insulin resistance. The most common of these medications include Corticosteroids, Thiazide diuretics, Beta-blockers, Antipsychotics, and Statins.

  • The Metabolic Syndrome

A group of conditions known as metabolic syndrome can also be a big role player in the development of insulin resistance. The metabolic syndrome is made up of a combination of the following: increased blood pressure, high blood sugar, excess body fat around the waist, and abnormal cholesterol or triglyceride levels.

  • Obesity

Obesity usually goes hand-in-hand with insulin resistance. Some argue that it is a symptom of insulin resistance, rather than a cause. But in many cases, this is the chicken or the egg scenario as it is possible that the one can lead to the other depending on the individual.

  • Pregnancy

During pregnancy, the body becomes almost 60% less responsive to insulin. This means that it can easily result in insulin-resistant if not tended to properly.

  • Inactivity

Apart from not exercising, our lifestyles have generally become less active. Most of us have office jobs and spend a lot of our free time sitting down. Whether it is watching TV, sitting in front of the computer, or driving around to get to the shops we have become much less active in general than a few decades ago.

  • Steroid use

Using certain kinds of steroids such as Prednisone can increase blood sugar levels. That is why it is important to take note of the ingredients of any supplements and even medications before using it.  


What are the first symptoms of insulin resistance?

Although there might not be any clear-cut symptoms at first, here are a few signs to look out for that may indicate that it could be insulin resistance.

  • Extreme thirst.
  • Frequent urination.
  • Not feeling full after a meal.
  • Tingling in the hands and feet due to nerve damage.
  • Constantly feeling fatigued.


How is insulin resistance treated?

The most effective way to treat insulin resistance is by making healthy lifestyle changes. These changes include:

  • Eating Healthily

This does not mean you have to eat salad 3 times a day. It is all about following a balanced, healthy eating plan that is sustainable in the long run. A great example of such an eating plan is the Manna Diet which is available as a FREE downloadable eBook. It offers great recipes, tips to make healthy eating easier, and most importantly shows how to eat great food without the bad stuff in it! 
  • Exercising

There are countless different exercise routines. And everybody prefers a different one. The main thing is to find an exercise that you enjoy so that you don’t quit after the first week. So whether you like to go to the gym, cycle, swim, or hike – make sure to get active for at least 30 minutes, 4 times a week.

  • Taking Manna Blood Sugar Support

This amazing product helps to keep the blood sugar levels under control. But because the blood sugar levels are under control, it also means that we controlling your insulin levels. Manna Blood Sugar Support can help the body to respond better to insulin and use it much more effectively. 


What is Manna Blood Sugar Support?

The Manna Blood Sugar Support is an all-natural health supplement made from the pods of the Prosopis (Mesquite) tree, and it does not have any negative side effects like many chemical alternatives have.


How does the Manna Blood Sugar Support work?

Manna Blood Sugar Support gels with the food we eat and then slow-releases the sugar from this food into the bloodstream. What this means is that the blood sugar levels in the body do not get a sudden spike, and there is no need for the pancreas to release a bunch of insulin.

Another thing to do when trying to get our blood sugar levels stable is to stop fighting the incredible effects of the Manna Blood Sugar Support by eating things that are constantly trying to shoot up the blood sugar levels.

It works best with a healthy diet. But if we do decide to be a bit naughty and have an unhealthy takeaway or a chocolate every once in a while, take a Manna Blood Sugar Support tablet or two with it, and it will help keep the blood sugar spike under a bit more control.

It is the perfect thing to help keep insulin levels balanced and lose weight!


Get the Manna Blood Sugar Support NOW from any of these stores or online stores

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