Candida and Weight Loss

Candida and Weight Loss

Being overweight and having diabetes make you more susceptible to a candida overgrowth.

Candida albicans is yeast-like bacteria that live in your digestive system. Candida thrive on sugar – the more simple carbohydrates in your diet, the more likely it is that you may have a candida overgrowth, which can cause different types of yeast infections.

Some of these infections include athlete’s foot, jock itch, vaginitis, diaper rash and oral thrush.


Candida Overgrowth

Candida is kept in check by beneficial probiotic bacteria in your digestive system. But when the balance of good and bad gut flora is disturbed, candida repopulates faster than other friendly microorganisms and you have a candida overgrowth.

  • Antibiotics,
  • certain types of birth control pills,
  • bacterial infections,
  • diabetes,
  • pregnancy and
  • a weakened immune system can all cause an imbalance in gut flora, allowing candida to flourish.

Learn the Tell-tale Signs Of Candida Overgrowth…

Your high-sugar diet only feeds the candida, prolonging the outbreak and making a recurrence more likely.

Anti-fungal supplements, like the Manna Candida Support can help kill the overgrowth, but you need to change your diet and eliminate the cause of the imbalance.


Sugar, Weight and Candida

Being overweight and having diabetes make you more susceptible to a candida overgrowth. Both of these health problems are diet-related and create an environment where candida thrives.

Following an anti-candida diet, as stipulated in the free Candida e-book, should help you lose weight and control glucose production, as well as creating a hostile environment for candida.

A general anti-candida diet is vegetable-based, includes nuts, seeds, lean proteins, cultured dairy products such as yogurt and kefir, and limits anything that your body can quickly convert to sugar.


The Diet

Eating fewer added sugars, increasing vegetable consumption and choosing whole grains in place of foods made from refined white flour are all healthy eating and weight loss recommendations.  Additionally, the candida diet requires you to avoid products containing yeast, such as baked goods, and mold, which include aged cheeses, mushrooms, smoked meats and vinegars – with the exception of raw apple cider vinegar, which contains beneficial probiotic bacteria.

Read about Foods that help Fight Candida…


Weight Loss

The candida diet can help with weight loss; the main benefit of a candida diet may not be preventing a bacterial overgrowth, but avoiding sugar, white flour and processed foods.

Within a few weeks of replacing processed foods with fresh ones and white flour with whole grains, you may start to feel better in general.

Replacing high-calorie junk food with lower-calorie whole foods should result in weight loss and the restrictive nature of the candida diet does limit your food choices — another weight loss tool.

Adding regular physical activity, which the candida diet does not address, will speed weight loss.


Manna Candida Support is available at:

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