10 Symptoms of Candida Overgrowth

10 Symptoms of Candida Overgrowth

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Candida can be a nasty type of infection to deal with at the best of time…

But when it gets out of hand – they can cause some serious trouble! We will be looking at what candida is, the symptoms of candida and how to treat this infection.


What exactly is candida?

Candida is a fungus, which is a form of yeast, and a very small amount of it lives in your mouth and intestines.

Its job is to aid with digestion and nutrient absorption but, when overproduced, candida breaks down the wall of the intestine and penetrates the bloodstream, releasing toxic byproducts into your body and causing leaky gut.

This can lead to many different health problems, ranging from digestive issues to depression.


How do we get candida overgrowth?

The healthy bacteria in the gut typically keep your candida levels in check. However, several factors can cause the candida population to get out of hand:

  • Eating a diet high in refined carbohydrates and sugar (which feed the yeast)
  • Consuming a lot of alcohol
  • Taking oral contraceptives
  • Eating a diet high in beneficial fermented foods like Kombucha, sauerkraut, and pickles
  • Living a high-stress lifestyle
  • Taking a round of antibiotics that killed too many of those friendly bacteria


Here are 10 common candida symptoms

  1. Skin and nail fungal infections

These can include infections such as athlete’s foot or toenail fungus.

  1. Fatigue

Constantly feeling tired or suffering from chronic fatigue or fibromyalgia which can be identified by muscle stiffness or soreness all across the body.

  1. Digestive issues

Issues with the digestive system such as bloating, constipation, or diarrhoea.

  1. Autoimmune disease

This can include diseases like:

      • Hashimoto’s thyroiditis
      • Rheumatoid arthritis
      • Ulcerative colitis
      • Lupus, Psoriasis
      • Scleroderma
      • Multiple sclerosis
  1. A lack of focus

Such a lack of focus can be identified in different ways which include difficulty concentrating, poor memory, ADD, ADHD, and brain fog

  1. Skin Problems

Skin issues such as eczema, psoriasis, hives, and rashes can appear when a candida overgrowth is present.

  1. Irritability

General irritability, as well as mood swings, anxiety, or even depression, can also be signs of a candida overgrowth.

  1. Vaginal infections

This is probably the most well-known symptom of a candida infection, and can often be one of the most uncomfortable signs.

It can go even further and also include urinary tract infections, as well as rectal- or vaginal itching

  1. Severe seasonal allergies

This includes the normal seasonal allergy symptoms such as a scratchy throat, stuffy nose, itchy inner ears, and constant sneezing.

  1. Cravings

Strong cravings for sugar and refined carbohydrate are often experienced.

Learn more about candida and weight loss…


How do you test for Candida overgrowth?

  • Blood test

You’ll want to check your levels for IgG, IgA, and IgM candida antibodies. These can be checked through most any lab. High levels indicate an overgrowth of candida. I find in my clinic that these can often be negative even when the stool or urine test is positive.

  • Stool testing

I find this to be the most accurate test available. This will check for candida in your colon or lower intestines. The lab can usually determine the species of yeast as well as which treatment will be affective. (Note: be sure that your doctor orders a comprehensive stool test rather than the standard stool test.)


How do we get rid of candida overgrowth?

Effectively treating candida involves stopping the yeast overgrowth, restoring the friendly bacteria that usually keep them in check, and healing your gut so that candida can no longer enter your bloodstream.

Getting rid of the candida overgrowth primarily requires a change in diet to a low carbohydrate diet. Sugar is what feeds yeast, so eliminating sugar in all of its simple forms like candy, desserts, alcohol and flours.  And reducing to only one cup a day of the more complex carbohydrates such as grains, beans, fruit, bread, pasta, and potatoes will prevent the Candida from growing and eventually cause it to die.  I would recommend eliminating all fermented foods as well.


How to treat candida and it’s symptoms:

1. Maintain a low-carb diet.

      • Steer clear of foods with artificial sweeteners, honey, and foods made with white sugar.
      • Exclude dried, frozen or fresh fruit and fruit juices from your diet as much as possible.

2. Avoid the consumption of dairy products.

      • Studies have shown that the remainder of antibiotics in the body, as well as high contents of sugar lactose in milk and other dairy products, can be the cause of Candida growth.

3. Exclude foods with high yeast contents, and distilled or pickled items.

      • Remove all bread, foods containing yeast extract, and broth/stock made with stock cubes from your diet. Avoid alcoholic drinks and beverages containing yeast.
      • Avoid black teas, cheeses or foods with high vinegar content from your regular diet.

4. Eat poultry, fish, meat, salad and vegetables.

      • When possible, choose organic meat or vegetable options.

5. Include healthy spices and herbs in your diet.

      • Experts suggest using spices and herbs which possess anti-fungal properties, such as rosemary, marjoram, and thyme. Ginger, garlic and extra virgin olive oil are healthy additives to most foods.

6. Assess medications.

      • Minimize the use of antibiotics, abscess medications, steroids and estrogen supplements as they could provoke the growth of Candida in your body. Consult your doctor about whether to reduce or replace these medications.

7. Use a supplement that includes Warburgia.

      • Warburgia helps to kill the candida fungus, and also reduces the production of Candida. Manna Candida Support contains Warburgia (Pepper Bark Tree Extract)

8. Drink at least 2L of water every day.

      • Water is a natural cleanser that detoxifies your body and helps eliminate Candida.

9. Use an over-the-counter topical balm for yeast infections.

      • Often Candida exposes itself in the female genital region. A medical remedy is the fastest way to cure a vaginal yeast infection.

10. Balance the pH of your abdomen.

      • Neutralizing your abdomen’s pH with alkaline food and a supplement, like the Manna pH Balance, to balance the pH levels can also help to destroy the candida overgrowth.

11. Prevent sugar cravings

      • Most candida sufferers crave sugary products because glucose causes the candida fungus to multiply. Prevent the cravings with the Manna Blood Sugar Support supplement to reduce the chance of glucose entering the blood stream.

12. Candida e-book

      • Download your free Candida e-book, which contains a detailed explanation on the treatment of candida, as well as recipes to stop candida growth.


How to beat candida symptoms safely and naturally with Manna Candida Support

1. Manna Candida Support  

      • Restricts Fungal Growth to stop candida in its tracks,
      • Have a strong anti-oxidant effect to attacks fungus,
      • and a Direct Antifungal effect to prevent future growth of candida.

Not suitable for people with serious heart conditions and during pregnancy.

2. Manna Candida Support contains:

      • Warburgia salutaris (Pepper Bark Tree), an antifungal herb, is the most valuable of the natural antimicrobials, and the bark and leaves have been used to treat yeast, fungal, bacterial and protozoal infections for centuries. This makes Warburgia not only excellent for helping treat bacterial infections such as chest infections (especially bronchitis) but also kills off the pesky candida Albicans fungi.
      • Prosopis Mixture for keeping insulin levels normal by stabilizing one’s blood sugar levels is very important to suppress the cravings for sugary foods.
      • Eucalyptus Extract (Flavonoids and Polyphenols) The Anti-Oxidant properties (ORAC Value)in the Flavonoids and Polyphenols from this natural Eucalyptus extract is even higher than grape seed extract. The Anti-Viral and Anti-Inflammatory properties are also very high, assisting in the relief and fighting off bacterial and yeast overgrowth like Candida.


Where to buy Manna Candida Support:

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