What Causes Poor Blood Circulation?

What Causes Poor Blood Circulation?

Poor blood circulation is becoming an ever-growing problem and it is affecting more people by the day.


The biggest problem with poor blood circulation is that it can lead to numerous other health complications.

The cause of poor blood circulation can sometimes be difficult to pinpoint, and this is because it can be due to a combination of different causes.

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Here are 10 of the most common causes of poor blood circulation…

  1. An Inactive Lifestyle

This is probably one of the leading causes of poor blood circulation today, and it is greatly due to our jobs becoming more desk-bound as we are stuck behind our computer screens for a big part of the day.

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  1. Being Dehydrated

When your body is not hydrated, just about every function suffers. Every cell in your body needs a certain level of hydration to function at optimum levels. This includes the body’s blood flow function and all the parts needed to perform this function.

  1. Nutrient Deficiency

Nutrients like certain vitamins and minerals are vital for the body to function properly. When your body suffers a deficiency in things like calcium, magnesium, vitamin C, and protein it can affect the speed and fluency at which blood flows through the blood vessels.

  1. Lymphatic Stagnation

Lymphatic stagnation or lymphatic blockage is a common and equally commonly overlooked cause of poor blood circulation. This can impair the body’s ability to deliver fresh blood to the body tissue, as well as its ability to transport used blood back from the tissue to the heart.

  1. Inflammation

Inflammation is a big problem in many health issues. In the case of blood circulation, inflammation can make the blood thicker, making it more difficult to transport the blood through the body. It can also damage the arteries and cause plaque to form in the inside of the artery walls, which can cause blockages in blood flow.

  1. Cholesterol and atherosclerosis

Atherosclerosis and cholesterol can be a result of underlying inflammation. Cholesterol and poor blood circulation are words that seem to go hand-in-hand, and thus it is important to get your cholesterol levels in check when trying to get your blood circulation to a better level.

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  1. High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure, also called hypertension, can actually be seen as a cause, as well as a symptom of poor blood circulation. When the blood in the blood vessels slows down or becomes backed up, it causes more pressure to build within the vessels. Also, the higher the blood pressure becomes, the harder it is for the heart to pump blood properly through the body, which effects the blood circulation.

  1. Diabetes and High Blood Sugar

High sugar levels in the blood, as with diabetes, makes the blood thicket and thus more difficult to circulate. This is why diabetes is often associated with blood flow problems like heart issues and limb amputations.

  1. Heavy metals

Heavy metals like lead, cadmium, mercury, and aluminium can damage the artery walls. It can also increase the risk of inflammation and atherosclerosis.

  1. Beta Blockers

Certain medications can slow down your blood circulation. The most common cause of this is a class of medications known as beta blockers.

These medications slow down the heart to reduce blood pressure. However, if blood pressure is high because of poor circulation, beta blockers may also reduce the amount of blood flow to the vital organs.


How can poor blood circulation be treated naturally?

There are some easy steps you can take to improve your blood circulation…

  • Stay Hydrated –

Drink enough good, clean water.

  • Reduce Your Sugar Intake –

Cut out sugar in order to get your blood to flow more freely.

  • Detoxify Your Body –

To get rid of toxins that are floating around in your body.

  • Balance Your Blood Sugar Level –

With the right diet, exercise and the Manna Blood Sugar Support, you can keep your blood sugar level.

  • Use Manna Blod Circulation Support –

The Manna Blood Circulation Support is specially formulated to help improve blood flow in the most natural way, WITHOUT any negative side effects.


How does Manna Blood Circulation work?

Manna Blood Circulation Support is made from a combination of ingredients that work together to give the best blood circulation boost possible. Let’s see what each of the ingredients do…

  • Ginkgo Biloba Extract 

Helps improve blood circulation, helping your brain, eyes, and legs function better.

  • L-Arganine

Helps lower your blood pressure by relaxing and opening your arteries.

  • L-Citrulline

Boosts nitric oxide production in the body. Nitric oxide helps your arteries relax and work better, which improves blood flow throughout your body.

  • Guarana

An ingredient containing caffeine which stimulates the circulation of blood.


What are you waiting for? Improve your blood circulation NOW with Manna Blood Circulation Support and get it from any of these stores or websites:

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