5 Reasons for Poor Blood Circulation

5 Reasons for Poor Blood Circulation

Poor blood circulation through the body is an ever-increasing problem, and it can lead to other serious health issues.


It is often caused by another underlying problem, and can sneak up seemingly out of the blue. 

The usual symptoms of poor blood circulation start as tingling or numbness in the extremities, like the feet and hands. Cramping and changes in the color and temperature of the skin also can indicate poor circulation problems.

  1. Arteriosclerosis

Arteriosclerosis is the hardening of the arteries, and it is a major cause of poor circulation problems. The artery walls become thick and hard and cannot move the blood from the heart to the feet and hands. Arteriosclerosis is often a side effect of diabetes and is worsened by smoking, being overweight and not getting enough exercise. High blood pressure and high cholesterol also can cause arterial difficulties.

  1. Varicose Veins

Varicose veins are what happen when the veins are enlarged. This clogs the flow of blood and causes circulation problems, in addition to the unpleasant purple bulges usually found on the back of the legs. Varicose veins become enlarged due to a build-up of blood, and blood flow becomes restricted. Varicose veins are usually genetic and can become painful and sensitive to the touch. in addition, it can impair circulation in the legs.

  1. Thrombophlebitis

Thrombophlebitis is a disease that typically strikes acutely and causes a warm tenderness in the legs as they turn a bluish color. Fluid builds up in the buttocks, groin and thighs and causes severe pain.

With treatment, phlebitis symptoms can be reduced within a week or two, when chronic discomfort sets in. Patients are relieved of the poor circulation problems only when their legs are elevated.

  1. Niacin Deficiency

Niacin deficiency can cause poor circulation, among other conditions. The Mayo Clinic reports that healthy niacin levels usually are maintained through a balanced diet. The body needs niacin in small amounts for many bodily functions, including tissue metabolism.

Daily niacin requirements can be met by eating meat, eggs and dairy products.

  1. Other Causes

Other conditions that can affect circulation include liver and kidney disease, lung disease and environmental factors. Exposure to extreme cold can slow down circulation. Chemical irritants, including tobacco smoke, impair the circulatory system. Alcohol and caffeine consumption also can restrict blood flow and cause circulation problems.


How can poor blood circulation be treated naturally?

There are some easy steps you can take to improve your blood circulation…

  • Stay Hydrated –

Drink enough good, clean water.

  • Reduce Your Sugar Intake –

Cut out sugar in order to get your blood to flow more freely.

  • Detoxify Your Body –

To get rid of toxins that are floating around in your body.

  • Balance Your Blood Sugar Level –

With the right diet, exercise, and the Manna Blood Sugar Support, you can keep your blood sugar level.

  • Use Manna Blod Circulation Support –

The Manna Blood Circulation Support is specially formulated to help improve blood flow in the most natural way, WITHOUT any negative side effects.


How does Manna Blood Circulation work?

Manna Blood Circulation Support is made from a combination of ingredients that work together to give the best blood circulation boost possible. Let’s see what each of the ingredients do…

  • Ginkgo Biloba Extract,

Helps improve blood circulation, helping your brain, eyes, and legs function better.

  • L-Arganine

Helps lower your blood pressure by relaxing and opening your arteries.

  • L-Citrulline

Boosts nitric oxide production in the body. Nitric oxide helps your arteries relax and work better, which improves blood flow throughout your body.

  • Guarana

An ingredient containing caffeine which stimulates the circulation of blood.


What are you waiting for? Improve your blood circulation NOW with Manna Blood Circulation Support and get it from any of these stores or websites:

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