How To Deal With Itchy Skin During Menopause

How to Deal With Itchy Skin During Menopause

Itchy skin during menopause can cause a lot of discomfort.


It can also lead to other symptoms like irritability and low self-esteem.

Of all the menopause symptoms, itchy skin is often one of the most annoying as it can linger for the entire day if it is not taken care of properly.


What causes itchy skin?

Hormone Changes:

More specifically, it is caused by a decrease in the hormones called estrogen and progesterone. This is because these hormones play a role in regulating body functions including moisture levels in the body tissue, and collagen production. This leaves the skin feeling dry, irritated, and itchy. It can also increase the formation of wrinkles. 


Menopause can be a very stressful time in a womans life. This can add to the itching as it releases histamine in the body. Histamine then causes flushing, itching, and even skin rashes. 

Caffeine and Alcohol:

Consuming caffeinated or alcoholic beverages on a regular basis can worsen menopausal itching severely. The reason for this is that alcohol and caffeine dehydrate the body, including the skin. This can leave it dry and easily susceptible to itching and other skin problems.


How do I treat menopausal itching?

Applying topical treatments may help give much-needed relief from itchy skin, but to truly tackle it menopausal itchy skin you have to treat it at the root of the problem. However, the best results come from combining the different ways of treating itchy skin.


Here are 9 top tips for dealing with itchy skin:

  1. Bath or shower correctly

It is one of the most effective means of relieving, and also preventing, itchy skin. Be careful of overly hot baths or showers which strip your skin of essential oils. Also, only use mild, unscented soap as perfumes can aggravate your skin.

  1. Exfoliate and moisturize

Treat your skin as soon as you are out of the shower or bath and dried off.

  1. Drink plenty of water

Plain, uncarbonated water will keep your skin hydrated. Alcohol, fizzy drinks and nicotine prematurely age your skin and dry it out which will increase the chances of it becoming itchy.

  1. Wear the right clothes

Be kind to your skin and wear cotton and loose-fitting clothes. This will help with the hot flushes too! Wool and some synthetic fibres can be an irritant to the skin. When washing your clothes, avoid any perfumed washing detergents or fabric softeners.

  1. Coconut oil

When rubbed directly onto the affected area, coconut oil can relieve an itch. If the itchiness is widespread over your body, then soak in a bath of lukewarm water. Afterwards, pat yourself dry and apply the coconut oil all over.

  1. Petroleum jelly

This is a good remedy for when you have sensitive skin. Petroleum jelly does not contain any harmful chemicals and has a smoothening action on the skin.

  1. Baking soda

Baking soda works if you have only a small area of itchy skin, but NOT if the skin is broken. Add 1 part of water to three parts of baking soda to make a paste and apply to the itchy area. For bigger areas add a cup of baking soda to a bath of lukewarm water and soak in it for half an hour then dry in the air, not with a towel.

  1. Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has a good antiseptic and anti-fungal action and this makes it a good anti-itching agent. Dab it directly onto the skin or add a cupful into your bathwater.

  1. Manna Menopause Support

This is where it comes down to treating the problem at the root cause. Seeing that a decline of estrogen is the major reason for menopause and the related symptoms; use the Manna Menopause Support to help overcome symptoms like hot flushes, night sweats, sleeplessness, mood swings, and all the others that come paired with menopause. 


What is Manna Menopause Support? 

The Manna Menopause Support is an all-natural phytoestrogen-based supplement specifically formulated to treat menopause and all of its symptoms by targeting the root cause.  It does this by increasing estrogen levels in the most natural way possible, without any side effects. 


How does it work?

The best way to treat menopause symptoms is by doing so at the root of the problem. As with most of the other menopausal symptoms, memory loss can be treated effectively by treating the decrease of estrogen using the Manna Menopause Support.
Chemical hormone replacement supplements and therapy often have various negative side effects. Rather opt for the natural option that is completely safe to use and side-effect free.


Get Manna Menopause Support NOW from any of these stores or online stores:

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